How To Tie a Bathrobe Properly and Keep the Tie From Coming Undone

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There are many varying reasons people wear a bathrobe in the house or when they stay in hotels. 

Where they all agree is that we often encounter wardrobe malfunctions, especially if the bathrobe tie is not secure. 

The knot comes loose, leaving them exposed at the most inappropriate moments. One of the main culprits is that tying the belt is a bit trickier than it seems. 

If you are among the many who have fallen victim to these types of mishaps, we’ve got you covered.

We will explain how to tie a bathrobe properly and help you avoid these embarrassing moments.

What Type of Robe Is It?

Bathrobes are good for so much more than just drying you up and keeping you covered after getting out of the shower.

For one, only a few things can keep you warm during cold mornings the way a cozy robe can. 

Also, the right style of robe can protect your modesty when receiving unexpected visitors. 

Before we talk about nautical knots, pretzel knots, or other ways to tie a bathrobe, let’s get one thing out of the way.

You must first learn about the different types of robes to give you a better idea of what you are dealing with. 

Kimono-Style Robe

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The kimono robe is a very popular style of bathrobe not only among women but also among men. 

It stands out for its Japanese-style design that looks simple but elegant at the same time.

Its collar is flat, and it often has two pockets and a self-fabric belt or belt loop. 

Many people love wearing it because it drapes down onto the body and does not bunch up. 

You have probably seen a silk kimono robe, but do not be surprised to see other materials as well.

It can be made of terry cloth, or it can be a plush robe, cotton robe, or comfy linen robe. 

In traditional kimonos, the knots are at the back. However, kimono-style robes tie either at the front or the side.

Lingerie Robes

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A lingerie robe usually comes in one of two forms: the silk robe and the satin robe. 

Since it uses soft and sheer materials, it is more of an intimate wear. 

It is not as warm and cozy as a spa robe or a bathrobe. Plus, it also drapes closely to the skin, often enhancing the feminine shape. 

Nevertheless, it is very comfortable to wear, especially for sleeping. 

Most lingerie robes tie in the front. However, there are also styles called babydoll robes that look like short dresses and have no ties.

Hooded Robe

A hooded robe is exactly what it sounds like. It features an attached hood that helps keep you warm and cozy.

It is a very popular choice of clothing for people during chilly days and nights. The hood fends off the cold, but it is roomy enough for the head and neck.

If you have a jacuzzi or bathtub at home, you should also have this type of robe. Nothing beats putting on a hooded robe after soaking for a few minutes.

You can take your pick from terry cloth, cotton waffle, microfiber, and other commonly used materials.

Bridal Robes

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Bridal robes are robes that women wear as they prepare for their most important attire, the wedding dress.

It usually involves a photoshoot where the bride gets her picture taken as she puts on makeup and gets her hair done.

Since it is mainly designed for special occasions, the bridal robe usually looks more stylish than the traditional robe.

That said, women can still wear it after the big day, be it at home, in hotels, or even at the beach.

Of course, since there are bridal robes, there are bridesmaid robes as well. The bride often gives them to her wedding party as a thank-you gift.

tips on how to tie a bathrobe

How To Tie a Bathrobe

Now that you are familiar with the different types of robes, it’s time to talk about how to tie a bathrobe.

There are many ways to do it, but it mostly starts the same way.

Step 1: Take note of the inside strings.

Firstly, you need to know that, aside from having belts, most bathrobes have inside strings.

You can use these strings to partially secure the robe and keep it from opening even if the outer belts become loose.

Usually, one string is on the edge of the left side of the robe. The other string would be on the inner surface of the robe’s right side.

Step 2: Tie the inside strings into a bow.

Start by pulling these two strings together and tying them into a bow.  You can do this by passing one string over the other and making one knot. 

Next, make one loop with each string and use them to make a second knot. 

After doing this, the left side of your robe should be snug against your body. However, the outer half of the right side is still loose.

Step 3: Secure the robe by tying the outer belt into a knot.

To secure your robe all the way, you need to tie the outer belts together. 

To do this, pull the loose part of the robe across your body and to your left side. 

Next, hold the outer edge of the robe’s right side (which is now on your left) and hold it in place with your left elbow.

As you keep the pressure on the robe with your left elbow, grab each end of the belt and tie them into a knot.

At this stage, you have a number of options. 

The most popular are the regular and full-Windsor knot, which work best for lighter fabrics. 

You can do the full Windsor by tying the belts with a single pretzel knot. 

For the regular Windsor knot, the process is much like the way you tie a necktie. That is why it is belts made with soft and light fabrics. 

If your belt is made from a thick fabric, you would be better off with the cuff-shaped knot.

Use Both the Inner and Outer Belts

If you want to ensure that your robe does not accidentally fly open, you can’t afford to take shortcuts. 

Make sure that you tie the inside strings and use a secure knot for the outer belts.

One robe hack that you can use is to tie the belt through the belt loops instead of all the way around your back.

Doing this leaves you with more slack, giving you more flexibility when tying your robe. 

In any case, the inside strings should help keep you from accidentally exposing yourself.

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